"Dan sesiapa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah nescaya akan dijadikan baginya jalan keluar . Serta memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas hatinya. Dan , sesiapa berserah diri bulat-bulat kepada Allah, maka Allah cukupkan baginya. Sesungguhnya Allah tetap melakukan segala perkara yang di kehendakiNya. Allah telahpun menentukan kadar dan masa bagi berlakunya tiap-tiap sesuatu." (Surah At-Talaq 2-3)

Forgive me Allah

Ya Allah, thank you for giving me hope. I crying for forgivness, please forgive me.

Forgive Me
by Brothers

It's such a cold night
And it's so dark
Walking down the streets of memories

I'm here all alone
With no one by my side
It's only me thinking of you
With hands full of sin

Ho.. Allah here I come
Ho.. Allah I'm crying for forgiveness
Although I have betrayed you
So many times in the past
A lord, it's so fair for you to punish me

In the morning light
On a sunny day
Crying happy tears
Coz I'm free

I need you to guide me
Protect me don't ever leave me
Strengthen my faith light up my heart
With the light of iman

Ho.. Allah I want to thank you for saving me
Ho.. Allah thank you for giving me hope
I promise you I won't betray you
Any more a lord

I hope you'd always guide me
And lead me to happiness
With the ones you love
Together in paradise


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